Follow My Dreams

Follow My Dreams

Book website address:-

this site is being rebuilt Oct '17

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Progress towards publishing.

Option 1. My manuscript is now definitely with a publisher for a read through.

Option 2. I went to see a large printer group in Wiltshire where I talked through the preparation for, litho printed, sewn book and actually walked round the factory to see the process at work, also compared with the digital option.

I understand much better now what's involved and what deadlines to work to. The place gave me a good buzz and afterwards I walked through the offices were loads of people working and dealing with the client side. I would be assigned someone to look after my book and liaise with me.

It was made clear to me that it did not matter what font style I use as it will be changed for a book type face and also how I lay it out in Royale size will also be changed. All my footnotes will have to be stripped out and also the photos and diagrams even though I am putting them in with the text. I also need 100gsm coated paper to do this. I now have the margins and layout size of the dust jacket so I can rough something up but the printer will design it for me.

I need to get my ISBN numbers ordered and with a batch of 10 the printer suggested I start thinking of my next book! When we talked I found I had 2 new book ideas already. I'll need an ISBN per edition, one for a hard back, one for a ebook which the printer can organise too. It is nice to feel in control. If I want spaces between paragraphs as I am doing here I need to hit the return key twice otherwise all double spacing will be ignored.

Is anything reading this? Oh and an index, has to be left till all the text is edited and proof read and then I will do it by hand. I am also planning a Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations.

That's enough for today.

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